Almost two years in the making, The Barker Company, created by Nigel Barker and spirits aficionado Philippe Roederer, combines Barker's keen eye for the luxurious and refined taste, and Philippe's unique flair and industry knowledge, ensuring that every sip of this unparalleled espresso martini reflects an unprecedented and elevated experience. Barker's background in fashion and lifestyle has honed his sense of what constitutes true sophistication, while Roederer’s years working with groundbreaking Champagne make them the perfect partners in this venture. Brought to life by their visionary creative team, The Barker Company blends innovation with artistry, making every detail—from the first idea to the final pour—a testament to their shared commitment to excellence.

  • "I have always had a passion for creating exceptional experiences. After sampling so many different ‘ready-to-drink’ Espresso Martinis, I knew we needed to create something much better"


  • “I have had an exciting career building exceptional brands and it’s been a lifetime dream to build my own. It’s taken us close to two years to come up with the perfect bartender quality recipe. The feedback from both the trade and consumers has been incredible, and I love seeing people’s reaction after their first sip,”